Cape Daisy

Cape Daisy (Arctotheca calendula) is also known as Cape Weed. As depicted in the photograph above, it has short thick

Problem Overview

Cape Daisy (Arctotheca calendula) is also known as Cape Weed. As depicted in the photograph above, it has short thick horizontal stems with a rosette forming at the ends of these stems. As a result it forms thick, dense patches in lawns. The upper side of the leaves are green and the undersides are white. The characteristic flower is similar to a daisy in shape but it is pale yellow on the outer petals, bright yellow on the inner petal with a purplish centre.


  • Cool season lawns: Cape daisy can be selectively controlled using any of the commonly used selective broadleaf herbicides.
  • Warm season lawns (Kikuyu, Couchgrass) Agpro Lawnclean, Broadsword or Banvine applied at 40mls per 100m2 of lawn.
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