Turf Supply
Browse our Lawn Varieties and Price Ranges

Quality Guaranteed

Over 30 years Experience

Free initial consultation
Lawn Varieties and Price Range
- Tall Fescue: $11.95/m² – Available Now
- Fine Fescue: $11.95/m² – Currently Unavailable
- Common Kikuyu: $13.95/m² – Available Now
- Legend Couch Grass: $13.95/m² – Currently Unavailable
- Windsor Green Couch Grass - $13.95/m² Available Now
Please note all prices are GST exclusive.
Delivery Price Guide
- 60m2 per pallet: Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue and Rye
- 50m2 per pallet: Kikuyu and Couch Grass
- Tauranga and Mount Maunganui: $125.00 per pallet (to site)
- Auckland Metropolitan area: $125.00 per pallet (to site)
- Wellington: From $245.00 (to depot)
- Rotorua and Taupo: quote at time of enquiry
Please note there is also a $25.00 (per pallet) bond which is refundable if returned. If your location is not listed above, please call 0800-FINELAWN for a quote. All prices are GST exclusive.

Ordering Lawn
Order your turf by calling our free phone (0800-FINELAWN) by 4pm two days before the delivery is required. For areas south of Taupo or difficult to service regions, further time may be required prior to delivery.