
Dock (Rumex obtusifolius) is a relatively common tap-rooted weed that in found throughout New Zealand, however because of its size it

Problem Overview

Dock (Rumex obtusifolius) is a relatively common tap-rooted weed that in found throughout New Zealand, however because of its size it is not common on lawns. Closely related species such as fiddle dock (Rumex pulcher) and sheep’s sorrel (Rumex acetosella) are likely to be more common in lawns. It has very large (up to 250mm long) wide, erect, round tipped leaved that are bright green in colouration.


All turf types: Dock is controlled using a selective herbicide such as 2,4D & Dicamba (Banvine) applied at label rates. It is preferable to apply these products from September until May when the plants are actively growing.

Fine turf species will also be affected if these products are applied to lawns that are suffering from heat stress or moisture stress. In these circumstances it is advisable to apply fertilizer and irrigate for 7 - 10 days prior to application to ensure that the lawn is in a healthy state prior to spraying.

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