
There are four types of speedwell all from the Veronica family.

Problem Overview

There are four types of speedwell all from the Veronica family. Creeping speedwell is dealt with under its own heading. The leaves are dark green slightly elongated with toothed margins. The flowers are pale blue or white and are held on relatively small stalks. Speedwell is found as a common weed in many lawns, gardens and waste areas in New Zealand.


Speedwell is one of the more difficult to control broadleaf weed species b

Speedwell can be selectively controlled in cool season grasses using Victory Gold or Triumph Gold applied at 40mls per 100m2 of lawn. The best results will occur if the herbicide Quantum is added to the mixture at 2mls per 100m2of lawn. Repeat applications may be required in circumstances where there is a lot of mature speedwell in the lawn.

Please note that these products cannot be used on warm season grasses such as kikuyu and couch as they will cause severe damage to these lawn species.

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