
Porina (Wiseana spp.) comprises several species of native moth whose caterpillars are common pest of turf.

Problem Overview

Porina (Wiseana spp.) comprises several species of native moth whose caterpillars are common pest of turf. These large caterpillars are approximately 50 – 75mm long when mature and are grey to greyish yellow in colouration.

They live in shallow vertical tunnels and emerge at night to feed on grass leaves. Turf damage around the tunnels is particularly noticeable from autumn onwards.


Place boards on the lawn over an evening. Once the boards are removed the following morning the porina burrows will have been clearly exposed. If five (5) or more burrows are apparent per square metre then control will be necessary.

To exert control apply LawnPro Protect at 100gms per 30m2.

Ensure that at least 25mm of moisture is applied within the first 7 days post treatment.

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