Slime Moulds
The causal agents for this disease include many Basidiomycete spp. It is generally seen in winter when cool and wet
Problem Overview
The causal agents for this disease include many Basidiomycete spp. It is generally seen in winter when cool and wet conditions promote the formation of fruiting bodies. The fruiting bodies can of various colours but are most commonly grey purplish-brown or white. They are easily rubbed off by finger.
This is generally only a temporary condition and symptoms quickly disappear in dry weather.
Other Similar Lawn Problems
Dollar Spot
The causal agent for Dollar Spot is Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and all turf grass species can be affected.
Fairy Rings
The causal agent of this relatively common disease is fungi related to the Basidiomycete species.
Brown Patch
Brown Patch is a relatively common disease whose causal agent is Rhizoctonia spp. and it can affect all turfgrass species during the summer months.
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