Tasmanian Grass Grub

This species is often confused with Black Beetle as both the adults and the grubs look similar.

Problem Overview

Tasmanian Grass Grub (Acrossidius tasmaniae). This species is often confused with Black Beetle as both the adults and the grubs look similar. However, the grubs which unlike Black Beetle live in small burrows near the surface and emerge to eat foliage near the tunnel entrance. They create damage from the period May through until November, with the adults emerging in December and January.


Survey the lawn by take spade width squares in a variety of area preferably before damage is noticeable. This is best to occur during the period May to August. Tip the sod upside down and inspect the soil. If two or more grubs are found then apply Acelypron at label rates.

Apply Acelepryn granules from May  - November at a rate of 1.5kgs per 100m2 of lawn. In our experience this product will provide protection for up to 6 months.


Apply Lawnpro Protect at 330gms per 100m2.

These are insecticides and therefore precautions should be taken to avoid contact and to avoid inhaling any dust whilst applying these treatments. Please ensure that at least 25mm of water is applied within 7 days of application. If the infestation is acute a second application may be required in January or February.

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